Danakil Depression- the most inhospitable place on earth, apparently.
Danakil Depression- the most inhospitable place on earth, apparently.

Danakil Depression- the most inhospitable place on earth, apparently.

Guest post by Cheryl Williams We started our journey at 8am from Lalibela, being picked up by an empty Land Cruiser. Within a few minutes we’d picked up a couple from Peru and a woman from Singapore. Steph had negotiated…

In which my bed bugs turn into Bilharzia- Queen Elizabeth National Park and Kampala
In which my bed bugs turn into Bilharzia- Queen Elizabeth National Park and Kampala

In which my bed bugs turn into Bilharzia- Queen Elizabeth National Park and Kampala

From Lake Bunyoni, we caught a boat ride, taxi, bus and matatu (shared minivan) to arrive in Katunguru, a small town sitting at the entrance to Queen Elizabeth National Park. As soon as we got off the matatu we were…