Following our comically devastating day of trying to get from Mendoza to San Rafael we needed our luck to turn around. Fortunately I had been in contact with a wine representative from St. John’s who carried Chayee Bourass, a winery…
Mendoza Part II: A bed for wine or wine for bed?
Unsurprisingly, after the night before, we were not thrilled about the alarm that went off at 9am to ensure we could take advantage of the free breakfast at the hostel. The slices of bread did not offer us any redemption,…
Bus Bingo in Mendoza Wine Region
Leaving a relaxing four days of camping in Bariloche, we boarded our 19 hour bus to Mendoza. A couple of hours past stunning scenery of endless lakes, the servicio man (buses over a certain length tend to be “con servicio”…